Tuesday 13 March 2012

Stop Crying Over ''The One''.

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Hello Friends!
As always, this article by my friend Shannon Yvette, spoke to me. I can totally relate because I have found myself, in this same situation. I must admit that it is never easy to deal with this kind of emotional pain, but when you realize that you must live your life and make efforts to be happy, you will dust yourself and LIVE AGAIN! Enjoy another life changing piece from Shannon Yvette.

''I was armed with few rolls of tissue and wearing a ratty house robe. I had my journal, a box of dark chocolate and a Sade CD in rotation. This was all the comfort I needed to have a week long pity party over him…”the ONE” that got away!

Was he really the “ONE?”

Months prior, I realized that this man was not the best fit for my soul. He was the kind of man who made me feel like I had to strive, and fight for a small piece of his world. He fed me emotional crumbs when my soul desired a full course meal. I desired a man who not only “got me” but adored me. This man did not offer my soul this level of refuge. My future husband would be a mirror into the truth of my worth. Letting go of “the ONE” who got away helped me evolve into a woman who could receive true love.
Are they worthy of your tears?
Often the people we weep over were never ours. They were not “equipped” for our unique vision, or the complexity of our hearts. When you don’t understand the preciousness of a gift, you damage it. As I get older, I cry a lot less over closed doors. Instead of crying from loss, I am learning to rejoice for what grace may be sparing me from. I know that a “no” is an invitation to trust for a greater “yes!”
Replaying the WRECK
If you got in a car accident, would you keep going back to the crash site, rehearsing the accident over again in your mind? Repeatedly visiting the scene of the accident is the same as allowing our imaginations run amok with visions of our “ex.” Why would you let a person consume your whole mind, while in their mind you are an afterthought? If this person was “the ONE” then they would still be the “ONE.” The truth does not change.
Grieve and grow.
Instead of obsessing over “the ONE” who got away, change the ONLY thing you can…your own heart. What role did you play in the downfall of the relationship? Did you sabotage it from feeling inferior? Did you play games and manipulate? Where you too needy? Where you
too strong to share your vulnerability? Grief gives us an unprecedented opportunity to grow. Pain is a seed that can yield a harvest of power, wisdom and confidence on the other side of the heartache.

Once we have given ourselves the grace to grieve, we must find the courage to move on. Stop replaying the accident. Recognize by faith, the real “ONE” is coming. When you are in the arms of your soul mate, you will cry again, but this time it will be tears of gratitude. You will be totally and humbly thankful for the “other ONE” who got away''.


It's definitely okay to cry...But we all deserve more smiles and Joy than tears!

Simply Cheska...

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