Tuesday 17 January 2012

Letting Your Groove Stay On!

Hello Friends!

It is so funny when you hear people talk about new plans like it's running out of fashion! They let you on a new plan every week and when you ask of the status / fulfillment of the previous plan they had, they get all red and say" things weren't working out, so I changed my mind!!!
Now, that's giving you a confused reputation! You don't just stop acting when you miss your lines; you keep at it like a professional would! You just don't stop believing because you are yet to see your heart's desires manifest, you keep at it because it's all in the inner strength and faith and ensuring that things work out as you desire them to.

Honestly? It is not an easy route to take. 
Coping with making plans and ensuring that you see them to fruition, takes a lot of self-determination and patience...

The year is still fresh and we all must have made plans (even written them out) but I have come to realize that there is a pattern of Planning that works for me...I do it prayerfully though.
You could too if you are keen on seeing things work out as planned in 2012.
What I do is after writing down my desires and plans, I pray about them. Most times, if not all the time, I get directions on what to do on every plan... If I follow these directions well, my plans always materialize...
This is no joke. As at today, for 2012 I have received two directions in respect to two of my plans...

I am a spiritual babe and I strongly believe in God so.... Don't over flog my points here...

In all of these, never ever feel comfortable on your butt, until you see your plans materialize!  Be determined and courageous enough to take all the risks necessary...

Just Keep Walking...You are closer to your destination than when you started.

Simply Cheska.

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