Friday 10 February 2012

Your Girlfriend Cheated On You. Now What? Part 1

Hello Friends!
A male friend of mine, who is currently going through some infidelity issues with his girlfriend, has made me to research on this common topic: Courtesy R.Abraham in "Affairs & Infidelity".
When your partner two-times you, it is one of the most painful experiences that you suffer. When one partner is unfaithful it leaves the other shattered and wondering what to do next - whether to end the relationship acrimoniously or salvage it or part as friends.Dealing with a cheating girlfriend requires a great deal of effort on your part. How do you let go of the past? How do you deal with the reality of any problem in your relationship that must have driven her to seek succor elsewhere? Once the affair is out in the open - either you found out or she comes clean - how do you resolve the issue? Can you bring yourself to forgive your partner and can you manage to let go? It is not an easy thing to forget and you have to deal with the problem of being haunted by it forever.In a situation in which your partner has irrevocably lost your trust, it is best to make a clean break and end the relationship. Otherwise you will live haunted by the memory of the two-timing, which will never let you love her completely again. The two of you will have an uncomfortable relationship, constantly worried about each other’s fidelity.But sometimes, despite the heartbreak that your girlfriend has caused you, both of you may still have strong and deep feelings for each other. You may be willing to forget the wrongdoing and accept the apologies of a repentant partner. If you are lucky, then both can work extra hard at salvaging your relationship, but this situation is really difficult and rare.Next, discuss with her why she felt the need to stray. An open and honest discussion will throw light on any problems in your relationship. These can be mended and healed and you can start afresh. But beware that such a discussion must not affect your self-esteem in a negative manner...

Simply Cheska

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