Hello Friends!
Beyonce’s 2013 Super Bowl XLVII halftime show had a lot of dancing, crotch-emphasizing outfits and a lack of singing. It also had some more subtle Illuminati New World Order signs and symbols in it and what appeared to be a live reptilian alien shapeshifting courtesy of Mrs. Jay-Z Carter herself.
The show had less overt themes tied to the Illuminati NWO agenda, Satanism and ancient mystery school cults than Madonna’s show last year with Nicki Minaj, M.I.A., LMFAO and Cee Lo Green, but the themes were still present.
The halftime show starts with a Pepsi commercial – because the corporation sponsored the show – and Beyonce’s song “Countdown” while the video flashes a lot of pictures of people.
Beyonce, Kelly Rowland and Michelle Williams from Destiny’s Child Making Alleged Representations of Illuminati Eye of Horus – Pyramid with All-Seeing Eye in It
There is a girl making the Malocchio – the old Devil Evil Eye hand curse used in Italy and Mediterranean countries that is now used by Anton LaVey’s Church of Satan.
Right afterwards, a girl’s single eye is shown between when they say “nine” and “eight.” Since it was shown right after the Malocchio Satan sign and it was so prominently featured, it was likely the Illuminati New World Order Eye of Horus or All-Seeing Eye incantation to brainwash the viewers and pledge the company’s allegiance to the organization’s agenda.
After those symbols, the Pepsi commercial has light drawings – one that says “Pepsi,” a circle, a boy making a pentagram star used by Satanists and witchcraft and after the people shout “six” there is a light pyramid like the Illuminati pyramid. Then the company’s slogan is show – “live for now.”
Beyonce’s performance begins with the TV camera filming the stage that is made of two women’s faces on fire. It seems they are representing the dualistic Gemini twins. The cults of the Illuminati NWO, such as the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) emphasize dualism – good and evil – and use black and white coloring often to display this main tenet of their rituals that mix ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian mystery school knowledge with black magic, orgies and Satanism.
In the “negative” space between the two faces, it makes the shape of a birth-canal, as if Beyonce is birthing the performance and possible ritual elements of it to the viewing audience.
Beyonce’s silhouette in fire is standing behind her at the head of the stage, and dry ice smoke is blown around the floor with a man’s voice reciting a soliloquy.
She and her band begin the song “Love on Top” for a little, and then it turns into “Crazy In Love” with a pre-recorded Jay-Z part. Beyonce dances around on the floor with other dancers and lights make patterns on the stage floor.
There is more dancing than singing. Beyonce gyrates in a low-cut bustier and leotard accentuating her crotch, fat thighs and butt.
Beyonce appears to have her forehead Botoxed because she scowls a lot during the performance but no wrinkles form except right where the bridge of her nose meets her brow line. Closeup shots emphasize how she likely had a nose job too – one from several years ago.
The performance changes into the song “End of Time.” Beyonce had a mad expression on her face. The song excerpt was mostly pre-recorded vocals and Beyonce just danced with other female dancers. The dancing was military marching inspired.
The band was dressed in all black and white – the colors of the Illuminati dualism.
Beyonce whips her head back between “say you’ll never” at the end of the song, and her eyes change. Her expression changes as well from a smile to an evil scowl.
Her pupils appear to go from regular human pupils to reptilian slit pupils. There is a conspiracy theory that Beyonce and other famous entertainers and politicians are reptilian aliens that shapeshift into human form in public but occasionally show some of their alien features.
Then, a row of lights overhead shine down onto the Gemini stage while the song is transitioning into “Baby Boy” with pre-recorded Sean Paul vocals. Beyonce stands in-front of a video screen that is only several feet taller than she. It makes her into many people on either side forming a “v” or pyramid shape. Following, she becomes three people, and they all grow multiple arms like the Hindu god Shiva.
Beyonce shots “white noise” and dances with multiples of herself.
When she starts singing the song, two dancers who are made to look like her come onto the stage and they dance while thrusting their crotches from side to side. Black and white graphics are behind them. The filming turns to overhead shots while the floor starts making shapes, and it turns into a black and white checkerboard like the O.T.O. temple floor – also used by the Freemasons. The black and white floor then spirals around with the Gemini’s heads flashing in a hypnotic fashion.
Sirens start while the Destiny’s Child song “Bootylicious” begins. Kelly Rowland is shot out of the floor, and then Michelle Williams is as well. The song ends shortly, and it transitions into “Independent Women Part 1.”
When Kelly sings “Rock I’m rockin’” – Beyonce throws up the “Roc” – the symbol that is also the Illuminati NWO pyramid incantation.
Fire encircles them and shoots up flames behind them while they sing the bridge part of the song which was altered for this performance. It sounds like a ritual. A couple people in the front of the crowd make the Illuminati pyramid sign. When Destiny’s Child says Charlie’s Angels, they touch their left shoulders, near their groins and then up to their eyes. By the time they say “angels,” they make their left hands pass over their right eyes making the Illumianti pyramid sign that has a pyramid with an All-Seeing Eye inside it.
It seems only Beyonce and Kelly know what they are doing because Michelle just put her hand over her forehead. Beyonce makes sure the pyramid symbols is made with both of her eyes.
Many dancers come on, and they all sing “Single Ladies” together. Throughout the time Kelly and Michelle are on stage with her, Beyonce is always introducing the other girls as if they are less than she. She dismisses them and finishes the song herself with dancing and makes a lot of angry faces.
Beyonce then asks everyone to send her energy like an energy vampire: “Everybody put your hands towards [sic] me. Everybody. I want to feel your energy. waves your hands back come on.”
She sings “Halo.” A girl makes the Illuminati pyramid with her hands.
When Beyonce sings “I didn’t even make a sound,” she points to her left eye when she says “make.”
Several men and women are making the Illuminati pyramid sign with their hands in the front row of the mosh pit. It seems they are plants who were specifically asked to make the symbol so that it would be on camera.
The camera came very close to one man, and he kept pulsating his pyramid to emphasize it.
At the end, Beyonce keeps whipping her body forward and back while on her knees as if she is in a praying position.
Then, she ends the song by leaning back on her knees as if offering her body up in a lascivious way. Maybe it is not God she is offering her body to in such a non-pious way. Maybe it is for the Devil.
Beyonce finally thanks the people and says “God bless, y’all,” as if her crotch-gyrating performance is now somehow religious just because she “blessed” everyone.
Full video of Beyonce’s 2013 Super Bowl halftime show: See Link Below...
Culled from Truth Quake News...
Simply Cheska...
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