Hello Friends!
Telling someone "The Avengers" will be summer's biggest movie is about as impressive as giving the odds of a cockroach's survival rate in a nuclear blast. (It's high.) Guessing what your teenage kids will like or what's the Gen X guilty pleasure, that's another story.
By peeking into Yahoo! searches, we've lined up a slate of possible favorites — and sleeper hits — among teens, preadolescent boys, ladies, and more. So if you're trying to decide between "Magic Mike" and "Battleship" for a date movie... all right, maybe you don't need us for that one.
Check out what kind of audiences will be lining up for this year's summer hits.
Overall crowd pleaser: "Marvel's The Avengers" (May 4). Let's get the obvious one out of the way: Yes, the midnight premiere earned millions. What do you expect from a Joss Whedon behemoth that shoehorns in no fewer than seven superheroes? And no disrespect to the A-list male actors, but the Scarlett Johansson factor is pretty big. (Why the Black Widow didn't have her own cinematic introduction first is a question for another forum.) The Y! Search gender breakdown's 66:33 is tilted male, but the broad age range (13-54) makes this the default family outing.

Date Movie for Married Folk: "Rock of Ages" (June 15). Schedule the babysitter, we have Journey. In a way, the Broadway turned Hollywood comedy is really a Tom Cruise mash-up of "Risky Business," "Magnolia," and "Tropic Thunder." The 52-48 gender split on Y! Search, with the edge going to the women, hints that the musical's the ultimate compromise summer flick: '80s jukebox rock, shirtless faux rockers, girlie groupies, and Alec Baldwin's one-liners. The soundtrack comes out June 5... so when's the sing-along?

One for the Millennials: "The Dark Knight Rises" (July 20). Batman as a vigilante. What better fallen hero for the Occupy generation? The last of the trilogy, or at least director Christopher Nolan's version, brings Christian Bale back as Bruce Wayne, a 1 percent billionaire with a 99 percent beaten and battered soul. Nolan may have filmed Occupy protest scenes for the film, although how they will unfold remains secret. What is known is Anne Hathaway is Catwoman, Joseph Gordon-Levitt is awesome, and this movie has the highest proportion of 20-somethings searching than any other top blockbuster.

Gen X Guilty Pleasure: "GI Joe: Retaliation" (June 29). Yes, it's true: People 30-54 make up the biggest proportion of the sequel's online searches on Yahoo!. The first outing wasn't exactly embraced for its plot, but there have been murmurings of lessons learned. The (new) director John Chu actually played with the plastic soldiers, so that must mean something. Regardless, the man-candy aplenty returns with Bruce Willis, the Rock, and Channing Tatum (who curiously counter-programmed himself with his stripper movie, "Magic Mike," opening the same day).
Teen political favorite: "The Dictator" (May 16) Sacha Baron Cohen knows how to hit the under-21 zeitgeist. Onscreen (and sometimes off), Cohen plays Adm. Gen. Aladeen, and he pulled some good advance publicity offscreen when he spilled the "ashes" of Kim Jong Il on red carpet host Ryan Seacrest. How Cohen will fare with a script remains to be seen, but at least Anna Faris is there to look at too. About 25 percent of lookups for the movie come from the 13-17 set, although adults' searches show they're intrigued, too. After all, how can you resist someone who scolds the New York Times' pay wall as true tyranny?
Ladies' Choice: "Snow White and the Huntsman" (May 25). As the "Hunger Games" clearly showed (as did "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon," "The Silence of the Lambs," and "The Perils of Pauline" way back in the silent era), females want to play fantasy action, too. Imagine then the appeal of Kristen Stewart, the quivering vampire lover of "Twilight," as a sword-wielding Snow White out to bring down an evil stepmother — really, what's the prince for, again? Females of all ages are eager for the retelling, and here's a bonus: A sequel may already be in the works.

Boys' Pick: "The Amazing Spider-Man" (July 3). The MPAA rating's not set yet, but that shouldn't stop any self-respecting Spidey fan from checking this reboot. Hero Peter Parker always carries the hesitant boyish innocence. This version with Andrew Garfield, though, in which the superhero delves into his parents' death, treads on traumatically-orphaned-Batman territory. All in all, Parker remains an eternal teenager, and this refreshed franchise boasts the biggest search proportion of boys among the top blockbusters.

Vampire hunk: Johnny Depp, "Dark Shadows" (May 11). Let's face it: Aside from " Snow White" and "Sparkle," it's a man's world this summer. So there's a bit of pleasurable irony that the alpha male in Y! Searches plays the fey undead. Depp partners again with director Tim Burton in the big-screen treatment of the 1970s soap opera. So how will Depp play a bloodsucker, besides with irreverence? Co-star Angelique Bouchard gives a style clue:"What he does is this kind German Expressionist thing." Natürlich.

Non-superhero sequel: "Step Up Revolution" (July 27). Dance and romance, first with Channing Tatum, then later in 3D — what else could this franchise possibly do? Well, this time the revolution is in Miami, and Kathryn McCormick, who was on Season 6 of "So You Think You Can Dance," gets her timing down with Ryan Guzman. You know what, that was more plot than you needed.

Sleeper hits: "Savages" (July 6); "Sparkle" (August 17). Two very different movies may be the blockbuster alternatives this summer. Oliver Stone helms "Savages," a crime drama starring Aaron Johnson, Taylor Kitsch, Blake Lively, and John Travolta about pot growers who go up against a drug lord. "Sparkle" was aimed to be the coming-out film for Jordin Sparks and the comeback film for Whitney Houston, but instead the musical drama will be a salute to the late actress.
Culled from Yahoo!Movies.
Simply Cheska...