Fraudster: Stacey Simpson, 25, told her three boyfriends she worked as an air hostess to cover up her cheating..
Hello Friends!
A jobless conwoman pretended to be an air hostess, leading a globetrotting lifestyle so she could keep three lovers on the go at the same time.
Stacey Simpson, 25, lived with her long-term partner while also sharing a ‘love-nest’ with another boyfriend, a court heard.
And as police investigators closed in on her she went on a foreign holiday with a third man.
She told her boyfriends she was employed by Emirates Airlines when she was actually unemployed and conning them and the council out of thousands of pounds.
Her ruse meant she was able to deceive all three men, who were all living within miles of each other in Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, into thinking she was jetting around the world when she was actually just down the road with one of her other partners.
Simpson was jailed for 10 weeks at Kirklees Magistrates’ Court on Monday after pleading guilty to 12 fraud charges at a hearing earlier this month.
One of her boyfriends - an unnamed fireman - ended up having two of his properties worth around £250,000 repossessed because she spent the money meant to pay the mortgages.
She then rented out one of the flats to Qatari international student Abdullah Anthani even though it had already been repossessed.
When Mr Abdullah returned from a holiday in February, 2011, he found the locks had been changed and he was unable to gain access to the repossessed flat.
He met with Simpson six days later who convinced him to pay a further £1,000 pounds by telling him that she needed £700 for a month’s rent and £300 for mortgage arrears that didn’t exist.
When he was still unable to get into the property he phoned her and she claimed to be in Singapore working in her role as an air hostess for the international airline Emirates.
Home sweet home: Simpson claimed benefits for a house on Waverley Terrace, Huddersfield (pictured - with blue door), where she lived with one of her boyfriends.
Numerous homes: Simpson rented out another boyfriend's flat in this building in Firth Street, Huddersfield, even though it had already been repossessed because she hadn't paid the mortgage.
Deceit: All three men, who were all living All three men lived within miles of each other in Huddersfield, and would think she was jetting off for work when she was with another lover. Pictured, Firth Street.
In March, Mr Abdullah contacted Kirklees Council and a joint investigation involving West Yorkshire Police and the Department for Work and Pensions was launched.
The court heard investigators discovered Simpson had submitted a housing benefit claim for another property she lived at with a different partner - dubbed Boyfriend Number Two.
The next day she told council workers she was going away and flew to Majorca with Boyfriend Number Three.
That same day the police turned up to the home in Huddersfield she had been sharing with Boyfriend Number One and her lies unraveled.
In all, over a period spanning 14 months, she wrongly claimed £6,000 in a combination of housing benefit, job seekers allowance and council tax as well as £1,000 pounds from Mr Abdullah.
In mitigation, Sonia Kidd, said Simpson’s actions had resulted in tensions within her family, specifically with her sister and father, Geoff Simpson.
She said: 'She has no-one to support her. It is an incredibly difficult situation she has placed herself in.'
Jailing Simpson for 10 weeks, the chairman of the bench, Margaret Atkinson, said: 'These were multiple offences of fraud. They were aggravated in that theywere pre-meditated over a significant period of time.' A resident who knew serial seductress Stacey Simpson when she lived with her fireman boyfriend a couple of years ago described her as a 'Walter Mitty' character who lived in her own 'fantasy world'.
The neighbour, who did not wish to be named, said: 'I'm not surprised at all to learn of this. She lived in her own little fantasy world, she was always coming out with these things and I wouldn't believe a word of it. 'When she first moved in she told me she sold stuff on eBay for a living. A few of her neighbours, including myself, gave her bits and pieces to sell for us. It took me a while of chasing her to get her to cough up the money.'
Serial liar: Simpson managed to use her ruse as a fake Emirates airline hostess to explain her long absences to her various partners (file picture)
Caught out: Simpson never worked for Emirates airline and was actually unemployed...
The neighbour continued: 'Stacey and her boyfriend were living here for about 18 months.
'Stacey would be away for periods of time and one time I asked her where she had been and she told me she had got a job as an air hostess and had been travelling the world.
'She was always telling me stories about where she had been, all round the world, but I didn't really believe it. She's a Walter Mitty-type character.
'As a person, she was very convincing and plausible, but you could tell there was something not quite right.'
Culled from The Daily Mail UK.
Simply Cheska...
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