Hello Friends!
Happy New Month to all of you...These days, I feel so connected to all my readers all over the world and it warms my heart deeply.
I do not know how the month of March was for you, but I achieved. I believe that I achieved, because I persisted in my desires and my goals. This is the Spirit I intend to exhibit and maintain for the rest part of this year 2012.
Persistence & Determination...Never letting go of all I expect from Life. I would give back my share in every way that I can, but I must demand my dues from Life...
How was March to you? Good? Bad? Fair? Average? Did you achieve all you set to achieve? If yes, good for you! This means there is room for improvement and greater heights to attain. If No, I am sorry but it's not yet over and you still have the chance to grab that goal by its tail and be happy!
Set out all your expectations for this month of April and work towards achieving each one. Outline all necessary steps that would lead you to your goal and walk/work towards them. The universe might seem a bit harsh and cruel, but you must keep HOPE ALIVE and maintain positivity!
You can still get that job you hoped for in March, You can still meet that right woman/man that you hoped for in March, you can still buy that car or buid that house you hoped for in the month of March....Whatever you hoped for in March that was not achieved, can still be achieved in the month of April!
I wish you the very best of this Month of April!
Simply Cheska...
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